“Increasing the company’s competitiveness through the purchase of high performance equipment at Best Topo Solutions SRL”
Name of the beneficiary: BEST TOPO SOLUTIONS S.R.L
Purpose and specific objectives: the general purpose of the project is to strengthen the market position
of Best Topo Solutions S.R.L.by increasing the economic competitiveness as a result of the development of the company’s activities
, with the help of state-of-the-art equipment that will be purchased within the project.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1. Equipping the company with high-performance equipment
2. Increasing the average number of employees as a result of the realization of the project through the creation of a new full time job
with indeterminate period until the completion of the project implementation and maintaining
the average number of employees, thus reached throughout the remaining period of the project sustainability period,
i.e. 3 years from the final payment under the financing contract.
The recruitment and selection process
of staff shall be carried out from disadvantaged categories and shall take into account the respect of
the principle of equal opportunities, gender, non-discrimination according to the human resources policy of the organization.
3. Promoting innovation through product/service diversification, i.e. offering higher quality services
than those currently provided.
1. Commissioning of the following machinery and equipment:
Workstation- 1 pc
-Receiver -1 pc
-Ultra-mobile laser scanner- 1 pc
-Server- 1 pc
-Laptop-1 pc
-Solar charger- 1 pc
– 3D processing software- photogrammetry- 1 pc
-3D-data processing software – laser scanner – 1 pc
-Survey processing software – 2 pcs
-Cadastre and topography processing software – 1 pc
-Cadastre and topography processing software – 1 pc
2. Increasing the staff of the company by 1 employee
Implementation period: 01.05.2019- 30.06.2021
Total value of the project (broken down into EU contribution and national contribution): 572.495,14 lei of which
non-reimbursable contribution 455.599,16 lei, of which 387.259,29 lei from ERDF and 68.339,87 lei from national budget
For detailed information on the other programs co-financed by the European Union, please visit
Investing in your future!
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.